During the early 1980’s, I was overtaken by house renovations, business startups, career changes and family life upheaval. It was also a time of fiscal conservatism – I did not have a lot of money for travel and photography equipment.
In the mid-80’s, my life started to settle down. My wife Peggy, who I married in 1986, had an interest in traveling fortunately. I had relocated from Baltimore to the Washington, DC suburbs. We were involved in several house selling projects, including my own, and subsequent building of our new house in Owings, Maryland. We traveled to Disney World and Key West, Seattle, the Virgin Islands, Jackson Hole, Wyoming and Yellowstone National Park (in the dead of winter), New England and the Canadian Maritime Provinces, to name a few. The photography was still film-based, and the results were showing improvement.

In late 1989, Peggy and I traveled to Australia, New Zealand and the Fiji Islands. The flight to Cairns was brutal. It was a 24 day trip – our longest ever.
My favorite photo from that trip was a picture of a little girl caught in mid-air at a market in the town of Sigatoka, on the island of Viti Levu in the Fijis. She seemed to be levitating.